Monday, November 21, 2011

*Hidden Treasure"

There are so many things we will never see. So many things we will never do.
But the one thing everyone is looking for I have found in you...
We have shared memory after memory, tear after tear; laugh after laugh. We never cease to have a great time, just enjoying each others company.
The bonding that we have done made us friends. Our hearts made us the Best of friends.

Everyone looks at us giggling and laughing sometimes without a word ever spoken and they just watch in amazement because they have searched for this very thing a loving... caring... trusting... bonding... friendship

We seem to have a connection no one else has. ive called you just when you needed me to and you've done the same for me...were not afraid to show each other our tears on lonely nights

Im not exactly sure of the time, date, or place of when we became best friends but unlike a birthday or holiday we will celebrate it year round. Day and nite and in everything we do.

So I think we have won against all odds I found a friend who I can call a real true friend my best friend.So to this rare jewel...thanks and I love You.