Hey hey..Change my hair style..
Give a big shock to all my frends..hehe
Also give a big shock myself pun..
| PLS call M€ Janpanese Girl |
Hope change a style and change a mood during Chinese New Year..
All of you must Happi ya..
Temporary put the E.X.A.M. away our mind..Enjoy in This NEw YEAR!!
RElax RelaX Relax..
NOw planing our New Year P-L-A-N- v AH LAi..
[Gong Xi Fa cai]>>>Our tHeme..
''PLAn A'' in discuss process!Hope we can do it-! The most important is H+A+p+p+Y
''Plan B''....Still Thinking a Big Progress!!
On the contrary,I also hope that RISM GANGz will enjoy thier CNY ..^^"
Give a big BLESS to YOu ALL ..RISM GANGZ rockx!!!!
YOuth Members,I also dint forget our D*A*T*E
大团圆 大团圆 不管距离有多远
好朋友在身边 我们约定【这一天】
大团圆 大团圆 手牵着手 心相连
祝福你 福寿全 恭喜恭喜乐无边